Environmental engineering
The scope of work includes:
- water supply and wastewater networks,
- heating networks,
- gas networks,
- stocktakings of water supply and wastewater systems including the inspection of ducts and pipelines by means of TVC cameras and evaluation of the technical condition,
- documentation concerning ordering of waste disposal of cities and districts,
- designs for renovation of wastewater systems by means of non-excavation methods,
- sanitary, industrial, and combined wastewater treatment plants,
- wastewater pumping stations,
- statements of water management conditions,
- liquid fuel stations and warehouses,
- fire water tanks.
Interior systems:
- water supply and wastewater systems,
- central heating systems,
- gas systems,
- mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems,
- fire water systems, sprinkler systems and fixed systems utilizing fire extinguishing gases,
- compressed air systems,
- fuel systems,
- gas, oil, coal and electric boiler rooms,
- heat distribution units,
- stocktakings of installations,
- evaluations of technical conditions of systems and equipment,
- technological documentations.